We build brands that cannot be ignored.

This is our bread and butter (and sometimes our tea). Whether it’s launching a new brand or reinvigorating an old one, we‘ve perfected the art.

At Digital Mauka, we create brands for every kind of business from the world’s biggest brands to small and medium-sized companies. We also brand start-ups. Non-profits and trade groups. Digital Mauka is an entrepreneurial agency made up of small, senior-level teams who are hands-on experience from start to finish.

We build powerful brands with a clear vision of the future. It begins with inspired insights that become the foundation of our work. Through advanced analytics, collaborative innovation and creativity, we spark growth strategies and help clients create imaginative experiences that delight customers.

Brand strategy

A successful brand starts with a compelling idea. One with the potential to produce real value for your Business. To realize that value, we work with you to craft a powerful brand strategy that puts the customers at the center and delivers tangible results.

Our Strategy services focus on answering two critical questions:
  • what does your brand stand for, and to whom?
  • What’s the right go-to-market brand strategy to best serve your customers?

Brand Definition creates a common understanding of what your brand stands for to customers and employees. Our Brand Definition work is underpinned by a Brand Positioning – a big, simple, impactful phrase (think: Starbucks’ The Third Place) that conveys the brand’s purpose, helps you stand out and speaks to the highest value your brand delivers to your customers.

Brand Architecture helps to organize the way your brand(s) go-to-market from an outside-in – customer-based – perspective. It’s not about telling clients what you make; it’s about telling them how you can serve their needs and what they want.

  • Brand Evaluation.
  • Brand Definition / Positioning.
  • Brand Messaging.
  • Reviews strategies
  • Brand Architecture.

Brand Naming

Our Naming services include name development, trademark evaluation, linguistic analysis, and consumer research. Our dedicated in-house team of naming experts delivers powerful, memorable names that cut through the clutter and live forever.

For larger brands, we offer retainer agreements that enable us to be your ongoing naming partner. These longer-term assignments enable us to organize and optimize product/service names across an enterprise, as well as to be on call every month for any type of name development needs.

No other agency can match our naming experience nor the range of corporate/product brands we’ve named across every industry category. Take a look at the brand names we’ve created over the years to see how good we are.

  • Company / Division.
  • Product / Service.
  • Trademarks / Linguistics.
  • Reviews strategies
  • Naming Strategy.

Brand Identity

Our Identity services help your brand to visually stand out – not just in your logo, but consistently and coherently across every single brand touch point and customer experience.

We’ll help you create a unique and differentiating logo / visual identity that blends the perfect combination of type, style, symbol and color. We create visual identities designed to be used across all digital and analog brand touch points. We deliver smart brand guidelines, workshops, and a communication tool, to help ensure your brand identity creates is effectively deployed for all audiences – external and internal.

Inform and evaluate branding activities through research programs designed to uncover the beliefs, perceptions and expectations of current and prospective consumers.

  • Logo Design.
  • Logo Style Guide.
  • Label & Packaging.
  • Website & Social media designs.
  • Activation & outdoor desings.